
Some photographs of the Armstrong Siddeley Mark I Deerhounds


Early picture of the Deerhound Mark 1

"3/4" front view of the Deerhound Mark I.  Engine "not complete" when photograph taken.  The main
reduction gear casing is different from that of the Mark II, which itself was different from the Mark III.
The photograph is not dated, but is considered to pre-date the last photograph (12/1936) on this page



3/4 rear view of a very early Deerhound Mark 1

3/4 rear view of a very early Deerhound Mark I.  Note supercharger housing, quite different from the
Mark III.   The supercharger was described by the late W. H. "Pat" Lindsey as not being state of the
art when designed.        Whilst not dated, this photograph is the same series as the photograph above



Deerhound Mark 1 with auxiliaries

A Deerhound Mark 1, complete with auxiliaries and "shroud" - ready for the test bed?
The quality of the original photograph is very poor.          Dated 11th December 1936



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